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National Honor Society Initiation

The guidelines for the selection process of Membership in the Ogallala National Honor Society are as follows:

The National honor Society chapter of Ogallala High school is a duly chartered and affiliated chapter of this prestigious organization.  Membership is open to those students who meet the required standards in four areas of evaluation:  scholarship, leadership, service, and character.  Standards for selection are established by the national office of NHS and have been revised to meet our local chapter needs.   Students are selected to be members by a 5 member Faculty Council, appointed by the principal, which bestows this honor upon qualified students on behalf of the faculty of our school each spring semester.

Students in the 10th, 11th, or 12th grades are eligible for membership. For the scholarship criterion, a student must have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or better on 4.0 Scale.  Those students who meet this criterion are invited to complete a Student Activity Information Form that provides the Faculty Council with information regarding the candidate’s leadership and service.  A history of leadership experiences and participation in school or community service in at least two activities is also required.

To evaluate a candidate’s character, the Faculty Council uses two forms of input.  First, school disciplinary records are reviewed.  Second, members of the faculty are solicited for input regarding their professional reflections on a candidate’s service activities, character, and leadership.  These forms and the Student Activity Information Forms are carefully reviewed by the Faculty Council to determine membership.  A majority vote of the Council is necessary for selection.  Candidates are notified regarding selection or non-selection according to a predetermined schedule.

Following notification, a formal induction ceremony is held at the school to recognize all the newly selected members. Once inducted, new members are required to maintain the same level of performance (or better) in all four criteria that led to their selection.  The obligation includes regular attendance at chapter meetings held the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month during the school year, and participation in the chapter service projects.  Annual projects include the selling of the school activities calendar, roadside clean up fall and spring, and hosting the Red Cross blood Drive twice a year.  Students or parents who have questions regarding the election process or membership obligations can contact the chapter advisor, Mrs. Mary Cumming or Mr. Jason Glenn at 308-284-4029.


National Honor Society By-Laws


Article I: Name and Purpose

Section 1.  The name of this chapter shall be the Ogallala Chapter of the National Honor Society.

Section 2.  The purpose of this chapter shall be to create an enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote worthy leadership, and to encourage the development of character in students of Ogallala High School.


Article II: Membership

Section 1.  Membership in this chapter shall be known as Active, Honorary, and Graduate. Active members become Graduate members at graduation. Graduate and Honorary members have no vote in chapter affairs.

Section 2.  Membership in this chapter is an honor bestowed upon deserving students by the faculty, and shall be based on the criteria of Scholarship, Service, Leadership, and Character.

Section 3.  To determine eligibility:

a.     Candidates eligible for election to this chapter must be members of the Sophomore, Junior, or Senior class.

b.     To be eligible for selection to membership in this chapter, the candidate must have been in attendance at Ogallala High School for a period of one semester.

c.      Candidates eligible for election to the chapter shall have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.5. This scholastic level of achievement shall remain fixed, and be the required minimum scholastic level of achievement for admission to candidacy. All students who can rise in scholarship to, or above, such a standard may be admitted to candidacy for selection to membership.

d.     Upon meeting the grade level, attendance, and GPA standard requirements, candidates shall then be considered for membership based on their service, leadership, and character.


Article III:  Selection of Members

Section 1.  The selection of members to this chapter shall be by a majority vote of the Faculty Council consisting of five faculty members appointed by the principal. The Chapter Advisers shall be non-voting, ex-officio members of the Faculty Council.


Section 2.  Prior to selection, the following shall occur:

a.     Students’ academic records shall be reviewed to determine scholastic eligibility.

b.     Students who are eligible scholastically (“candidates”) shall be notified and asked to complete and submit an application for further consideration in the selection process.

c.      The faculty shall be requested to evaluate candidates using the official evaluation form provided by the Chapter Adviser.

d.     The Faculty Council shall review the applications and faculty evaluations in order to determine membership.

Section 3.  The selection of new Active members shall be held once a year during the second semester of the school year.

Section 4.  Candidates become Active members when inducted during a formal ceremony.

Section 5.  An Active member of the National Honor Society who transfers from Ogallala High School will be given a letter, signed by the Chapter Adviser, indicating the status of his/her membership.

Section 6.  An Active member of the National Honor Society transferring from another school will be accepted for membership in this chapter, provided the student submits a letter of approval from his/her previous school showing that he/she is a member in good standing.


Article IV:  Discipline and Dismissal

Section 1.  Any member who falls below the standards of scholarship, service, leadership, and character may be dismissed from the Ogallala Chapter of the National Honor Society. A member of the National Honor Society is expected to maintain his/her academic standing and take an active role in service and leadership in the community.

Section 2.  If an Active member’s cumulative grade point average falls below the 3.5 standard in effect when he/she was selected, he/she will be given a written warning and have a one (1) semester probationary period to restore his/her cumulative GPA to a 3.5 or above. If the cumulative grade point average remains below 3.5 at the end of the one semester probationary period, the student will be subject to further disciplinary action determined by the Faculty Council, and may include dismissal from the National Honor Society. A member may be on probation only once. A second occurrence may call for dismissal from the National Honor Society.

Section 3.  Violation of the law or school regulations can result in dismissal of the member. These violations may include, but are not limited to, MIP, DUI, stealing, destruction of property, cheating, truancy, or possession, sale, or being under the influence of drugs or alcohol at school or school-related activities.

Section 4.  Offenders of the school conduct code (such as profanity, failure to comply, unexcused absence, excessive tardiness, etc.) will receive a written warning. A conference may be requested by the Chapter Advisers, the Faculty Council, or the student. If the member is involved in another violation of the school conduct code, the member may be dismissed.

Section 5.  In all cases of pending dismissal:

a.     The member will receive written notification from the Chapter Adviser indicating the reason for possible dismissal. The member and Adviser will discuss the written notification in a conference. Situations that involve egregious violations of school rules or the law can warrant disciplinary action without a written warning although a hearing must still be held [see below].

b.     The member will be given the opportunity to respond to the charge against him/her at a hearing before the Faculty Council prior to the vote on dismissal (in accordance with due process identified in Article X of the National Constitution). The member has the opportunity to present his/her defense, either in person or in writing. The Faculty Council will then vote on whether to dismiss. A majority vote of the Faculty Council is needed to dismiss any member.

c.      The decision made by the Faculty Council will be reviewed by the principal, and then, if confirmed, expressed in a letter sent to the student, parents, and principal. Dismissed members must surrender any membership emblems to the Adviser.

d.     The Faculty Council’s decision may be appealed under the same rules for disciplinary appeals in the Ogallala Public Schools district.

e.     When a student is dismissed (or resigns) he/she is no longer a member and may never again be considered for membership in the National Honor Society.

Section 6.  In lieu of dismissal, the Faculty Council may impose disciplinary sanctions upon a member as deemed appropriate.


Article V:  Meetings

Section 1.  Meetings of the Ogallala Chapter of the National Honor Society shall be on the first and third Wednesdays of every month during the school year.

Section 2.  This chapter shall conduct its meetings in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order.

Section 3.  All Active members are expected to attend all regularly scheduled chapter meetings.

Section 4.  The Chapter Adviser must be notified for an excused absence, which may include, but are not limited to, illness, family emergency, or appointments that cannot be scheduled for another time.

Section 5.  Unexcused absences may qualify a member for a conduct evaluation under Article IV, Section 5 of these By-Laws.


Article VI:  Service

Section 1.  This chapter shall determine one or more service projects per semester.

Section 2.  All Active members shall regularly participate in these projects. Any reason to not participate must be cleared with the Chapter Adviser. Failure to regularly participate in service projects may qualify a member for a conduct evaluation under Article IV, Section 5 of these By-Laws.


Article VII:  Officers

Section 1.  The officers of the Ogallala Chapter of the National Honor Society shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Historian. [If circumstances dictate, the offices of Secretary and Treasurer can be combined to become Secretary/Treasurer.]

Section 2.  Officers shall be elected at a meeting before the conclusion of the school year. All Active members of the chapter are eligible to vote.

Section 3.  A majority vote shall be necessary to elect any officer of this chapter. If the first vote does not yield a majority, a second vote shall be taken of the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes.

Section 4.  The President’s duties will include:  presiding over meetings, appointing committees, conducting the initiation ceremony for new initiates, and generally ensuring that the ideals of NHS are upheld.

Section 5.  The Vice President’s duties will include:  assuming the duties of President in his/her absence and providing leadership and direction for the chapter.

Section 6.  The Secretary’s duties will include:  roll call, keeping minutes of all meetings, recording all committee memberships, being responsible for chapter correspondence, and maintaining records associated with the aforementioned duties.

Section 7.  The Treasurer’s duties will include:  keeping records of chapter expenses and financial transactions.

Section 8.  The Historian’s duties will include:  photographing the chapter’s activities/members and completing a scrapbook documenting the chapter’s year.

Section 9.  If any officer is placed on probation by the chapter, he/she will vacate his/her office and a new officer will be elected at the next scheduled meeting.


Article VIII: Executive Committee

Section 1.  The Executive Committee shall consist of the Chapter Adviser(s) and the chapter officers.

Section 2.  The Executive Committee shall have general charge of the meetings and the business of the chapter, but any action by the Executive Committee is subject to the review of the chapter members.


Article IX:  Dues

Section 1.  No dues are charged for membership in the Ogallala Chapter of the National Honor Society. In lieu of annual dues, Active members are responsible for contributing their time to fundraising endeavors (concession sales, etc.). Monies earned by the NHS go toward scholarships for which graduating seniors can apply.


Article X:  Powers

Section 1.  The Chapter Adviser is given the authority to supervise the administration of chapter activities, as delegated by the school principal.

Section 2.  The principal shall reserve the right to approve all activities and decisions of the chapter.

Section 3. The by-laws are designed to amplify provisions of the National Constitution and cannot contradict any components thereof. The chapter is obligated to adhere to the provisions of the National Constitution in all activities it undertakes.


Article XI:  Amendments

Section 1.  These by-laws may be amended by 2/3 vote of the chapter membership, provided notice of the proposed amendment has been given to members at least one (1) month prior to the vote. The exceptions are Article III (Selection of Members) and Article IV (Discipline and Dismissal), which are developed by the Faculty Council with the approval of the principal.

Section 2.  By-laws and amendments must be consistent with the Constitution of the National Honor Society.


These by-laws were approved by a vote of the chapter membership on May 6, 2009.

These by-laws were approved by the Faculty Council on May 11, 2009.


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